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A 9:1 UnUn for use on HF (1.8-30MHz) with up to 250w RF power. A good starting point for a 14-30MHz solution is around 6.5-7m of wire up a non-conductive pole with a few radials approx 5m each. Experimentation with both may affect (or improve) performance.
Do not be fooled by often cheaper units using smaller FT140 (1.4-inch) toroids and claiming 400-watt capacity! Our UnUn uses an FT240 (product page here) 61-mix ferrite.
A QRO version, part of our "Elite" range, is also available.
USE WITH : Random length end-fed wire/vertical - or see our End-Fed Halfwave Coupler if you want a resonant (and a potentially multi-band, no-tuner) solution.
We like CB19925 from CPC for our aerial wire.